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Session Laws, 1852
Volume 615, Page 563   View pdf image
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John Evans, John Reed and James Black, in trust for the Pres-
byterian church of Pulton Township, in Lancaster county, Penn-

321. An act for the relief of John Richardson, the late sheriff

of Dorchester county, and to provide remedies for the loss of fee
bills and other papers lost by the late burning of the court house
in said county.

322. An act to authorise the formation of corporations for Min-
ing purposes.

323. An act to give jurisdiction out of court to the judges of
the superior court and of the court of common pleas of Baltimore
city, and to confirm their acts.

324. An act to provide for building a court house in Dorchester

325. An act to provide for the custody of the public buildings
and grounds within the State House enclosure, and the fire appa-
ratus belonging to the State, and appropriating a sum of money

326. An act to incorporate the Baltimore and Philadelphia
Rail Road company.

327. An act to incorporate the National Mining company.

328. An act relating to the tolls to be charged by the Baltimore
and Ohio rail road company on the Washington branch of said

329. An act to incorporate the Venezuelan Coast Steam com-

330. An act making an additional appropriation for the pig-
ment of the compensation allowed to the members of the Senate
and House of Delegates, their officers and attendants, and for the
contingent expenses of the General Assembly, and for expenses
incurred and to be incurred by the commissioners appointed in
pursuance of a resolution of the present Legislature, in the matter

of Archibald G. Ridgley.

331. An act to augment the capital stock, prolonging the little

for receiving subscriptions thereto, and authorise the extension of
the law incorporating the Liberty and Franklin Plank or Turnpike
road company, passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
forty-nine, chapter one hundred and ninety-six.

332. An act vesting certain powers in the corporation of the
town of Cumberland, in relation to streets.

333. An act making an appropriation for the payment of the
annual compensation allowed the Commissioner of the Land

office under the act of December session, eighteen hundred and
forty-three, chapter two hundred and forty-four.

334. An act to release the interest of this State in the lands of
Samuel Galbraith, late of Cecil county, deceased, in favor of his

335. An act to provide for the rebuilding of the jail in Harford


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Session Laws, 1852
Volume 615, Page 563   View pdf image
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