CHAP. 62.
same in as full and ample a manner as they would
have been authorised to do had said business origina-
ted in the Orphans' court last aforesaid.
Unfinished bu-
siness assigned
to Orphans'
court of Balti-
more city.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all the unfinished
business of the late Orphans' court for Baltimore coun-
ty, other than such as appertains to Baltimore county,
and is by this act transferred by the Orphans' court for
Baltimore county, be, and the same is hereby assigned
to the Orphans' court of Baltimore city, and the said
court and the register of wills for Baltimore city, are
hereby vested with full power, within their respective
jurisdiction, to complete the same.
Books, &c. to
be retained in
office of regis-
ter of wills of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the books of re-
cords, dockets, minutes of proceedings, original papers,
documents and proceedings, of the late Orphans' court
for Baltimore county, shall he preserved and retained in
the office of register of wills of Baltimore city.
already had
made valid.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all proceedings al-
ready had by the Orphans' court or register of wills of
Baltimore city, upon and in relation to that part of the
business pending and unfinished of the late Orphans'
court for Baltimore county, which appertained to Bal-
timore, county, shall be certified by the register of wills
of Baltimore city, to the register of wills of Bal-
timore county, to be submitted for the considera-
tion of the Orphans' court of Baltimore county, whose
confirmation thereof, endorsed thereon, and recorded
among the proceedings of the said court, shall be effec-
tual to make valid such proceedings.
Register of
wills of Balti-
more county
to have power
to make co-
pies of any re-
cords, &c.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the register of wills
of Baltimore county, under the direction of the Or-
phans' court of said county, shall have full power,
authority and privilege, free of charge therefor, to
search, examine, transcribe and make copies of any re-
cord, proceedings or paper, now in the custody of the
register of wills of Baltimore city, connected with the
unfinished business of the late Orphans' court of Balti-
more county, which, in the opinion of the register of
wills of Baltimore county, may relate to the unfinish-
ed business appertaining to Baltimore county.
In force.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from and after its passage.