No 14.
Passed May
31, 1852.
Resolution relative to codifying the Laws and revising the
Rules of Practice.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That John V. L. McMahon and Otho Scott, be, and
they are hereby appointed commissioners, to revise and
codify the laws of this State, and William Price, Samuel
Tyler and Frederick Stone, be, and they are hereby
appointed commissioners to revise, simplify and abridge
the rules of practice, pleadings, forms of conveyancing
and proceedings of the courts of this State, subject to
such regulations and requirements as may be prescribed
by law.
No. 15.
Passed May
31, 1852.
Resolution relative to Alterations authorised to be made
in the Rooms assigned to the Comptroller.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland
That the flues from the furnace that heats the library,
shall he thoroughly repaired in such manner as to pre-
vent the escape of gas, or danger from tire; also that
the floor of the room set apart for the occupancy of the
Comptroller, shall be made of brick, as it originally was,
and that all the lumber and rubbage be removed from
the basement under the library.
No 16.
Passed April
20, 1852.
Resolutions relative to the Clerk of the Superior Court of
Baltimore City.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore city,
be, and he is hereby directed to transmit to the State
Library all copies of the laws, of indexes to the laws,
and of reports remaining in his office, over the number
of two copies.