more, shall be defrayed by the respective counties and
the city of Baltimore; and the mayor and city council
of Baltimore, shall also allow to each of the members
of the Appeal Tax Court for the services to be per-
formed by them under this act, such compensation as
they may deem just, which shall be paid by the said
CHAP. 337.
SEC. 41. And be it enacted, That in consideration
of the great increase of labors, and only for the pur-
poses specially provided for by this act, and until the
duties hereinbefore prescribed shall have been complet-
ed, the Appeal Tax Court of Baltimore city shall be
composed of two city assessors, annually appointed by
the mayor and city council of said city, and Henry
Appeal tax
court to con-
sist of two city
Snyder and William H. B. Fusselbaugh; and the said
Appeal Tax Court so constituted shall have the power
to appoint an efficient clerk who shall make record of
all proceedings of said court, and perform all such
other duties as shall be required of him in connexion
with the provisions of this act, and a just and reason-
able compensation shall be allowed to such clerk by the
said mayor and city council, upon the certificate of said
Appeal Tax Court.
Authority to
appoint clerk.
SEC. 42. And be it enacted, That all fines and for-
feitures Imposed by this act shall be recoverable by in-
dictment in the Circuit Court for the proper county in
which the person so offending may reside, or in the
Criminal Court in Baltimore, if the person resides in
that city; and one-half thereof shall be paid to the in-
former) and the other half to the Treasurer, for the use
of the State.
Fines and for-
feitures — how
SEC. 43. And be it enacted, That so much of the
several acts heretofore passed in relation to the valua-
tion and assessment of property in this State, as limy
come within the provisions of this act, and conflict
therewith, shall be, and the same are hereby repealed ;
and so far as existing laws of this State may come in
aid of the provisions of this act, they shall apply and
be construed as parts of this act.
acts repealed.