CHAP. 337.
meeting of such bodies, and during the usual hours for
transacting business, for the purpose of allowing the
aforesaid valuation to every person holding or owning
property in said county, or city, and of furnishing to
such person or persons, such extract from said valuation
as he may reasonably require.
list of owners
of property as-
SEC. 25. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
duty of the county commissioners of the several coun-
ties of this State, and of the appeal tax court of Balti-
more city, to cause to be made, on or before the first day
of March, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, and on or
before said day annually thereafter, an alphabetical list
of the owners of the property assessed by virtue of this
act, together with the amount of his, her or their as-
sessments respectively answering to his or her name,
which said lists shall be deposited in the offices of the
clerks of the county commissioners of the respective
counties, and in the office of the appeal tax court of
Baltimore city, and it shall be the duty of said clerks,
and appeal tax court, to keep the same in some con-
spicuous place in his, or their office, for the inspec-
tion and perusal of any person or persons interested
therein, without fee or reward.
County com-
missioners and
appeal tax
court of Balti-
more city, to
meet for hear-
ing and deter-
mining com-
plaints and ap-
SEC. 26. And be it enacted, That the county com-
missioners of the several counties, and the appeal tax
court of Baltimore city, shall assemble at their usual
places of meeting on the first Monday of January,
eighteen hundred and fifty-three, and there continue in
session not exceeding thirty nor less than six consecu-
tive days, Sundays excepted, (having first given at least
two weeks notice of said time in some newspaper or
newspapers, if any are published in said county or city,
and if none, then by advertisement, set up at the Court
house door, and other public places in said county,) to
hear and determine the complaints and appeals of per-
sons who may consider themselves aggrieved by the
valuation of said assessors, and upon complaint of any
person who may consider him or herself aggrieved by
such valuation of his or her property, or that of any
person, under his or her charge, the said county com-
missioners, or appeal tux court, shall have full power
and authority to examine any person or persons, and
the party complaining, on oath or affirmation, as the
case may be, touching the particulars or value of such,
property, and upon due examination or knowledge
thereof, abate or increase the said valuation, and correct
the return accordingly, and may likewise exclude en-
tirely properly which has been valued, and may value
property which has been by the assessors excluded or