lawful which were heretofore authorised in similar suits
or actions at law, when the return upon the capias ad
respondendum formerly used was non est; Provided,
that nothing herein contained, shall conflict in any way
with the provisions of an act entitled, an act prescribing
the process in civil actions in the courts, and before
justices of the peace of this State.
CHAP. 337.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
In force.
AN ACT to provide for the General Valuation and
Assessment of Property in this State.
Passed May
29, 1852.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That all the properly, real, per-
sonal and mixed, and of all kinds and descriptions
whatsoever, now by law liable to be valued and asses-
sed, and chargeable with taxes in this State, shall be
valued agreeably to the directions of this act, and shall
be chargeable according to such valuation, with the
public assessment.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That to facilitate and
expedite the assessments, Baltimore city shall be divid-
ed into ten assessment districts, upon the basis of the
present division of the city into wards, whereof wards
numbered one and two, shall constitute the first district ;
and wards numbered three and four, shall constitute
the second district; and wards numbered five and six,
shall constitute the third district; and wards numbered
seven and eight, shall constitute the fourth district; and
wards numbered nine and ten, shall constitute the fifth
district; and wards numbered eleven and twelve, shall
constitute the sixth district; and wards numbered thir-
teen and fourteen, shall constitute the seventh district ;
and wards numbered fifteen and sixteen, shall consti-
tute the eighth district; and wards numbered seven-
teen and eighteen, shall constitute the ninth district ;
and wards numbered nineteen and twenty, shall con-
stitute the tenth district; that Baltimore county shall
be divided into three assessment districts, according to
the present division of said county into election districts,
whereof election districts numbered one, two, three and
four, shall constitute the first district; and election dis-
Baltimore co.