An act for the relief of William R. Smith, of the
city of Baltimore.
Passed Dec. 27,
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the judges of Baltimore county
court, or any one of them be, and they are hereby
authorised and empowered, without the said William
R. Smith first obtaining the consent of two thirds, in
amount, of his creditors, to extend and afford to" the
said William R. Smith, all the benefits, advantages
and provisions of the act of assembly passed at No-
vember session eighteen hundred and five, entitled,
" An act for the relief of sundry insolvent debtors, "
and the several supplements thereto, in the same
manner, and upon the same terms and conditions as if
he had obtained the assent of two thirds of his credit-
ors, to his release under the same.
Benefits of the
insolvent laws
An act for the benefit of the heirs of John Tho-
mas, late of Harford county, deceased.
Passed Dec; 27,
WHEREAS, It is represented to this General As-
sembly by the petition of Jane, Elizabeth, James and
Hannah Thomas, heirs and devisees of John Thomas,
late of Harford county, deceased; and William Pyle,
guardian of John and William Thomas, minor heirs
and devisees of the said deceased, that the said John.
Thomas, by his last will and testament, devised all
his real estate to his wife, until his son William should
arrive at the age of sixteen years, at which time he
ordered that the said real estate should be sold for the
use of his heirs as therein mentioned. They further
state, that the widow of the said John Thomas is also
dead, and that the said William has not arrived to the
age of sixteen; and that the said deceased has neglect-
ed to empower any person to make sale of the said
real estate, or to convey the same when sold, and that
It would be to the advantage of the said heirs and devi-
sees, to have said real estate sold immediately; and
have prayed that a law may pass authorising and em-
powering some person or persons to sell and dispose
of, and convey the same; and the said prayer appear-
ing reasonable: -Therefore,
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That William Pyle and James Thomas, of
Trustees ap-
pointed, who