An act to regulate the inspection of Lumber.
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly 'of
Maryland, That the governor, by and with the advice
and consent of the council, shall immediately on the
passage of this act, and in every year thereafter, ap-
point four or more inspectors of lumber for the city
and county of Baltimore, and as many more in other
parts of this state as may from time to time be neces-
Passed Dec 27,
Governor and
council shall
appoint in-
AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said inspec-
tors hereafter to be appointed, before they enter upon
the execution of their offices, shall take the following
oath or affirmation, (as the case may be, ) before some
person authorised to administer the same, viz. "I
do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully, truly
and impartially, according to the best of my judg-
ment, skill and understanding, execute do and per-
form the office and duty of an inspector of lumber,
according to the true intent and meaning of the laws
of this state, relative to the same, so help me God. "
Inspectors oath.
AND BE IT ENACTED, That all planks,
boards or scantling not exceeding eight inches square,
that are sound, shall be measured by the rule of board
measure, except boards under three fourths of an
inch thick, which shall be measured on the surface,
and marked and deemed merchantable; and ail tim-
ber above eight inches square, to be measured, if
required by the seller. All unsound, worm eaten, irre-
gular sawed boards, plank or scantling; all wind-
shaken boards and plank shall be deemed of inferior
quality, and shall be condemned and marked with a
round O and cross made thereon, the rotten parts
shall not be included, All shingles shall be, in the
opinion of the inspectors, of sufficient thickness, sound
cypress or cedar wood, free from rot, splits or twist,
of good merchantable quality; and all laths for plas-
tering shall be put up and packed in bundles of. one
hundred each, and be of the following dimensions,
to wit: All laths for plastering shall not be less than,
four feet in length, and not less than three-sixteenths
of an inch in thickness, and not less than one inch
wide, inspected, if required by the seller or pur-
Rules and re-
gulations to be
observed by the
AND BE IT ENACTED, That no inspector of
lumber shall appoint any deputy to purchase any
lumber, except for his own use, nor sell any lumber
whatsoever, on pain of forfeiting his office.
Inspectors shall
not buy or sell