junior, sons of the said James Mackey, Esquire,
above the age of twenty-one years, and James Mac-
key, senior, guardian of Jane, Agness and Margaret
Mackey, (minor children of the said James Mackey,
Esquire, ) all of Cecil county, and state of Maryland,
representing that the said James Mackey, Esquire,
did, during his life time, sell unto the said William
Sherer, a certain lot of ground, containing four acres
and thirty-three perches of land more or less, situated
near the village of Elkton, on the south side of Elk-
river, and to the south-west of the great road leading
from Back creek to Elkton, and died without making
any deed to the said William Sherer for the same,
and praying that the legislature would invest the heirs
of the said James Mackey, Esquire, with a power of
making the said William Sherer a complete title to
the same; And whereas, The said petition appears to
be reasonable and proper: Therefore,
Guardian and
others may ex-
ecute a deed.
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the said Catharine Mackey, (widow
of the said James Mackey, Esquire, ) David Mackey,
junior, James Mackey, junior, and James Mackey,
senior, guardian of Jane, Agness and Margaret Mao
key, (minor children of the said James Mackey,
Esquire, ) be, and they are hereby authorised and
empowered to make and execute a deed for the said
jot of ground unto the said William Sherer, which
deed, when so made, executed and recorded, shall be
of the same validity as if it had been executed by the
said James Mackey, Esquire, any law, usage or cus-
tom to the contrary notwithstanding.
Passed Dec. 27,
A supplement f o the act entitled. An act to make
public a road in Prince George's county, passed
at November session one thousand eight hundred
and eight.
Said road de-
clared public.
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the road in Prince George's county,
known as the old direct and shortest road from Piscat-
away to the Fort and Warburton Fishing Landings,
and which forks out from the main north and south
road from Piscataway to Broad creek, at a short dis-
tance from Hatton's Hill, until it intersects the public
road leading from Warburton to Slash creek, at the
Warburton outer gate, be, and the same is hereby