shall take an
AND BE IT ENACTED, That before any com-
missioner or surveyor shall proceed to the execution
of the duties required of them by this act, he shall
take an oath or affirmation, (as the case may be) before
some justice of the peace for the county aforesaid, that
he will well and truly discharge the duties enjoined
upon him by this act, according to the best of his judg-
ment, without favor, affection or partiality.
Levy court shall
appoint a con-
AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy court, at
the time of appoin ting constables for the county afore-
said, shall appoint a constable in and for said town,
who shall have the same power and authority that
constables in the different hundreds have.
shall lay out
said read. Its
width, direc-
tion, &c.
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That John M'Gaw, Thomas Price and
William Hitchcock, be, and they are hereby appoint-
ed commissioners, and they or a majority of them,
are hereby authorised and empowered to survey and
lay out, at the expense of the petitioners, or any per-
son or persons who may think proper to contribute
thereto, a road thirty feet in width, in the best and
straightest direction the nature of the ground will ad-
mit of, beginning at a road near the dwelling of the
late John Stevenson, to pass on the north east side of
the late Elijah Merryman's mill, and on the west side
of the house that Walter Tebets lately occupied, and
from thence to, intersect the old York road on the
north-east of Abednego Green's dwelling, near
Charles Jessop's mill, and the said commissioners, or a
majority of them, shall make out a plot of said road,
and return the same to the clerk of Baltimore county
court, to be recorded among the records of said coun-
ty; and the said road, when opened and recorded as
aforesaid, and the valuation herein after directed to be
made shall have-taken place, and the damages paid or
secured to be paid to the person or persons entitled
to receive the same, shall forever thereafter be deemed
a public highway, and kept in repair as other public
roads in said county.