Has sard, all the benefits, advantages and provisions of
the act of assembly passed at November session eigh-
teen hundred and five, entitled, " An act for the relief
of sundry insolvent debtors, " and of the supplements
thereto, upon the application heretofore made by the
said John Hassard and Ralph Hassard for the benefit
thereof to the said county court, upon the same terms
and conditions, as if the said John Hassard and Ralph
Hassard had, in due form of law, served personal
notice on each of their creditors, of their said applica-
Passed Dec, 27,
An act to erect a town in Montgomery county,
and for other purposes.
WHEREAS, It is represented to this General As-
sembly by the petition of sundry inhabitants of Barns-
ville, Montgomery county, for the purpose of erecting
a town, that the titles of the proprietors thereof are
precarious and uncertain, and it is prayed that the
same may be surveyed, marked, bounded and erected
into a town: Therefore,
to appoint a
person to sur-
vey said town,
lots, &c. Lots
shall be num-
bered and the
streets named.
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That George B, Hays, Abraham S. Hays
and John Plummer, senior, be, and they are hereby ap-
pointed commissioners, who shall, on or before the
first day of August next, meet at Barnsville aforesaid,
and having so met, the said commissioners, or any two
of them, shall have power and authority to direct the
surveyor of Montgomery county, or any person they
may think proper to appoint, to survey the said town
and the several lots therein; and make out an exact
plot thereof, and shall ascertain and limit the extent
of the lots, streets and lanes thereof, most agreeably
to their original location, according to the best evi-
dence that can be obtained; and the said lots so laid
out, shall by them be numbered one, two, three and
so on, for distinguishing each lot from the other, and
shall cause the said streets and lanes to be named by
certain names; and the said commissioners or a ma-
jority of them, shall have power to adjourn from day
to day till the duties imposed by this act are fully per-
Lots elected in-
to a town Plot
to be recorded.
AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said lots when
they are surveyed and laid out by the commissioners
aforesaid, or a majority of them, shall be, and arc
hereby erected into a town, to be called and known