do swear, or affirm, that I will discharge the several
duties required of me by the act of assembly passed
at November session eighteen hundred and eleven,
entitled, " An act for the opening and extending of
Pratt street in the city of Baltimore, " to the best of
my skill and judgment, without favor, partiality or
prejudice; and in case any of the said assessors shall
die or refuse to act before the discharge of the duties
Imposed upon them by this act, it shall and may be
lawful for the surviving assessors to appoint an as-
sessor or assessors, as the case may be, in his or their
stead; each of whom shall take the aforegoing oath
or affirmation, have the same powers, and execute the
same duties as the assessor or assessors in whose
stead he or they shall be so appointed; and each of the
said assessors shall be allowed for each day he shall
attend to discharge the duties prescribed by this act,
the sum of two dollars, to be paid in the manner here-
inafter directed
Valuation of
damages, &c.
by the assessors
— they shall
make an esti-
mate of the
whole expense
of opening said
street, and as-
certain the re-
spective contri-
b [... ] o be
made by per
sons benefited.
7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said as-
sessors or a majority of them, shall, on or before the
first day of May next (having first given notice in two
public newspapers in the city of Baltimore for at least
two weeks) assemble at some convenient place in the
city of Baltimore, and shall proceed to value and as-
certain what damage will be sustained by any and
each owner of any house or houses, lot or lots, lands
or tenements, (taking into consideration the present
value of the same whether by the rent thereof or other-
wise, and all advantages and disadvantages thereunto
appertaining, and estimating the said damage thereby, )
lying and being in any part of the said street, and ne-
cessary to be removed or occupied in order to open
and extend the same; or lying and being in the place
herein directed to be made part of the Basin; or lying
and being in that part of the city of Baltimore which
is contained within the following limits, to wit: by
Light street on the west; Pratt street on the south;
Franklin lane on the east, and Water street extended
to Light street on the north, in consequence of the
opening and extending of Pratt street from Light
street eastwardly to Jone's Falls, and filling up said
docks; and having ascertained said damage, said as-
sessors shall make an estimate of the whole sum of
money which will be necessary to pay such damages,
and to execute the works intended by this act to be
performed, and to defray all other expenses necessary
in extending and completing the work and incident
thereto; and having made such estimate, they shall
proceed to value and estimate the increase in value