funds, the buildings connected with the said insti-
tution remain in an unfinished state, in consequence
whereof, the benevolent objects for which the said
institution was intended, cannot be as extensively
gratified as is consistent with policy and humanity;
and this legislature participating in all those humane
feelings which dignify the human character, and being
desirous that no exertion of theirs consistent with the.
public weal should be wanting in alleviating those
miseries of mankind for which such an institution is
so particularly calculated: — Therefore,
Treasurer au-
thorised to pay
$5000 annu-
ally for 3 years.
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the treasurer of the Western Shore
pay to Colin M'Kenzie and James Smyth, attending
physicians to the Hospital in the vicinity of Baltimore
city, or their order, the sum of five thousand dollars
annually, for three years, to be paid out of any unap-
propriated money in the treasury.
They shall give
BE IT ENACTED, That before the said Colin
M'Kenzie and James Smyth shall be entitled to
draw for the said sum as specified above, they shall
give bond to. the governor and council with security,
to be approved by them, conditioned that the money
aforesaid shall be applied to the finishing and com-
pleting the buildings of the said hospital.
Lunatics, &c.
from any part of
the slate shall
be received.
AND BE IT ENACTED, That poor lunatics and
other afflicted persons residing in the several counties
of this state, shall be received into the said hospital
On the same terms and the same rates that the paupers
from Baltimore city are.
Passed Jan. 4,
An act for the relief of Packard Mackall, junior,
of Calvert county.
Benefits of the
insolvent laws
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for Cal-
vert county court, or any one of the judges thereof
during the recess of the said court, to extend to the
said Richard Mackall, junior, the benefit and relief of
the act of assembly passed at November session
eighteen hundred and live, entitled, " An act for the
relief of sundry insolvent debtors, " and the supple-
ments thereto, without compelling the said Richard
Mackall, junior, to produce to the said court, or to the
said judge in the recess of the said court, the assent
in writing of two thirds, in amount, of his creditors