Volume 613, Page 907 View pdf image |
44. Resolution relative to a Light Boat, to be stationed at Jones' 45. Resolution appointing Directors in the Baltimore and Sus- quehanna rail road company. 46. Resolution in favor of Jacob Lichty of Washington county. 47. Resolution in favor of Mary Grove.
48. Resolution in favor of the legal representatives of Elizabeth
49. Resolution appointing Isaac G. Anderson and William Price, 50. Resolutions in relation to the State Library. 51. Resolution in favor of Samuel Harrington. 52. Resolution relative to a compilation of the revenue laws.
53. Resolution directing the Treasurer of the State to redeem at 54. Resolution in favor of Normand Bruce.
55. Resolution in favor of Joseph Brown, Henry Snyder and 56. Resolution in favor of James G. King and Sons.
57. Resolution directing Librarian to send a copy of Dorsey's 58. Resolution in favor of the Page, of the House of Delegates. 59. Resolution in favor of the Chaplains to the two Houses. 60. Resolution relative to the contingent fund. 61. Resolution in favor of Elizabeth Green.
62. Resolution in favor of Mary Lee, widow of Parker Lee, a 63. Resolution in favor of Mrs. Sarah Ann Watson.
64. Resolution requesting our Senators and Representatives in 65. Resolution in favor of Barbara McMahon. 66. Resolution in relation to the Nanticoke Bridge company.
67. Resolution in relation to the postage of members of the 68. Resolution in favor of the Maryland Penitentiary. 69. Resolution in favor of John S. E. Nutwell. 70. Resolution in favor of Benjamin L. Gantt.
71. Resolution in favor of the representatives of Elizabeth Stuart
72. Resolution for the payment of the Index to the Public
73. Resolution in favor of Mrs. Cornelia Lansdale widow of |
Volume 613, Page 907 View pdf image |
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