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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 880   View pdf image
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Caleb White, under the will of George Barber, late of the city of An-
napolis, to sell certain stock therein mentioned.

14. An act to regulate the terms and times of meeting of the Or-
phans court of Harford county.

15. An act to allow Henry Devries, late a collector of Carroll
county, further time to complete his collections.

16. A further supplement to the act entitled, an act to incorporate
the Washington Coal Company.

17. An act for the relief of David G. Odell.

18. An act to change the qualification of judges in the election of
trustees for the Clearspring Academy.

19. An act for the relief of Joseph W. Walker, of the city of Bal-

20. An act to repeal certain acts of Assembly relating to the com-
missioners of Washington county, and for other purposes.

21. An act for the relief of Edward F. Munnikhuysen, a lunatic.

22. An act for the relief of John Kennard.

23. An act to authorise the commissioners of Cecil county to build
A bridge over Big Elk creek, at the causeway near Elkton, and for
other purposes.

24. An additional supplement to an act entitled, an act to provide
for the relief of the poor and indigent persons of Somerset county,
passed at December session, 1845, chapter 42.

25. An act for the better denning the legal duties and powers of the
overseers of roads and bridges in Dorchester county.

26. An act to allow Robert W. Carter, trustee of Thomas F. W.
Vinson, deceased, late sheriff and collector of Montgomery county,
further time to complete his collections.

27. An act for the relief of Benjamin H. Start, of Kent county.

28. An act to declare the power of the courts in certain cases rela-
ting to the attorney general and his deputies.

29. An act to allow William Thompson, further time to complete
his collections.

30. A supplement to the act entitled, an act relating to Femes

31. An act to empower Joshua Doub, Jacob Toms, and others,
trustees, to sell, dispose of and convey a house and lot in the village
of New Dublin, Frederick county.

32. A supplement to an act entitled, an act for incorporating a so-

ciety to educate and maintain poor orphan and other destitute female
children, by the name of the Orphaline Charity School, and to repeal
the act of Assembly therein mentioned.

33. An act further supplementary to an act entitled, an act to re-
vive the act to incorporate the Humane Impartial Society of the city
of Baltimore, and to change the name of said corporation.

34. An act to incorporate the Locust Point Steam Perry Company
of Baltimore.


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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 880   View pdf image
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