LEE, JOHN — Resolution in the matter of the attempt
of, to recapture his fugitive slave.
LEE, MARY — Resolution giving her half pay of a Lt.,
revolutionary pensioner, etc.
LIBRARIAN — To furnish commissioners of Harford
county with certain laws.
To transmit to Maryland Historical
Society copies of certain laws.
Resolution in relation to State Library,
authorising Librarian to prepare a new
catalogue, etc., to make and have printed
indexes to such public documents as
the joint committee on the library,
in their judgment may require, treasurer
to pay such sums therefor as Governor
may order, and for printing the same, etc.
After completion of catalogue, and be-
fore the meeting of every session of legis-
lature, to make supplemental catalogue of
books added
To furnish Edward O. Hinkley, and
Chas. S. Carter two copies of each vo-
lume laws of Maryland, published since
Upon delivery to, on o| before 1st July,
a complete collection of revenue laws,
treasurer to pay each $100, etc.
Librarian to contract for printing 500
copies, etc., how to be distributed.
To send a copy of Dorsey's testamen-
tary laws to register of wills of Wash-
ington county.
To furnish to certain literary institu-
tions copies of Dorsey's laws of Md.
LIBRARY — The committees on, to designate such
histories, etc., as they may deem proper
to be furnished to the literary and scien-
tific associations of Great Britain, etc.,
with a request that they be reciprocated.
Joint committee on, to prepare a sys-
tem of regulations by which the librarian
shall be governed in the general superin-
tendance of the public buildings, etc.
L1CHTY, JACOB— Resolution in favor of, etc.
LIGHT BOAT — Resolution relative to, to he stationed
at Janes' Island Bar, Tangier Sound.
Governor to forward copy to our Sena-
tors, etc.