ditions to Tuspan and Tobasco, and was among the
most forward on all occasions of duty and gallantry.
I have the honor to be,
With great, respect, sir,
Your obedient servant,
(Signed) M. C. PERRY,
Commanding Home Squadron.
Hon. J. Y. MASON,
Secretary of the Navy, Washington.
14th January, 1848.
I have great pleasure in expressing to the Depart-
ment the high opinion I entertain of the professional
skill and valuable services of Surgeon Pinkney, who
has relieved Surgeon McClenahan, in the German-
town. I was particularly indebted to Dr. Pinkney
for his exertions and attention to the sick and wounded
in the expedition to Tobasco, and I am happy to say,
that he deservedly enjoys the respect and confidence
of every officer and man in the squadron.
I have the honor to be,
With great respect, sir,
Your obedient servant.
(Signed) M. C. PERRY,
Comd'g Home Squadron.
Hon. J. Y. MASON,
Secretary of the Navy, Washington.
And whereas, The General Assembly of Maryland
are satisfied, from these testimonials, and other high
sources of information, of the gallant and meritorious
conduct of those officers in their official positions —
Resolved unanimously by the General Assembly of
Maryland,That the State of Maryland entertains a just
appreciation of the gallant and meritorious conduct of
the above named officers, in the late Mexican War,
and that the thanks of the State of Maryland be and
they are hereby tendered to them for said conduct.
Resolved, That the Governor be respectfully re-
quested to forward copies of these resolutions to each
of the above named officers.