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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 762   View pdf image
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her position with her Southern sisters, in the main-
tenance of the constitution, with all its compromises,
the preservation of the Union, and the vindication of
her own just rights.
Resolved unanimously, That our Senators in Con-
gress, and our Representatives be requested to act in
conformity to the foregoing resolutions.
Resolved unanimously, That the Governor of this
State be requested to transmit a copy of the foregoing
resolutions to the Executive of each of the States of
this Union, with the request that the same be laid before
their respective legislatures, and also a copy to each
of our Senators and Representatives in Congress.

No. 38.

Passed Feb. 27,

Resolution authorising the Treasurer to pay for news-
papers ordered by the Clerks of the two Houses.

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Treasurer of the State, pay George G.
Brewer, Chief Clerk of the House of Delegates, and
Joseph H. Nicholson, Chief Clerk of the Senate, out
of any unappropriated money in the Treasury, the
amount of the several accounts that may from time
to time be presented to him by said Clerks for news-
papers furnished the members of the Legislature dur-
ing the present session, and that he also pay the
amount for postage upon letters forwarded and re-
ceived by said clerks, relative to the duties of their
respective offices.

No. 39.

Passed Feb. 27,

Resolution directing the Librarian to furnish the
Commissioners of Harford County, with certain

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the State Librarian, be and he is hereby direct-
ed to furnish the commissioners of Harford county
with a copy of the Laws of Maryland, for the years
eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-seven, eighteen hundred and forty-one,

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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 762   View pdf image
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