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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 677   View pdf image
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annual meeting of the lot owners, which shall be one
the first Tuesday of May, in each and every year,
and shall continue in office for one year, and until
others are duly elected, a majority of whom shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of all kinds of
business, that the said directors shall be elected by
ballot by a majority of the votes of the lot holders,
present in person or by proxy, and a majority of the
votes given shall be necessary to a choice, and such
ballot shall be made from time to time until the re-
quisite number of directors shall be chosen, each lot
shall entitle the holders thereof to have one vote, if
any vacancy or vacancies by death, resignation or
otherwise, the remaining directors or director shall
have power to fill all such vacancies, to serve until
others are duly elected, and if at any time vacancies
should exist in the office of all the directors, or if
elections for directors should not be held as herein
directed, this corporation shall not thereby cease, but
directors shall be elected to fill said vacancies, at such
time and place as the lot holders or a majority of
them shall appoint, who shall have the same powers
as if they had been elected at an annual meeting, and
hold their office until others are duly elected, the di-
rectors shall appoint one of their number president,
who shall have such powers and perform such duties
as shall be provided by the bye-laws, that the said
John L. Clayton, Noble Biddle, Samuel Thompson,
Davidson D. Pearce, John R. Price, John Biggs and
George Harbert, shall be the directors until the first
annual meeting after this act shall go into operation,
and until others shall be duly elected.

CHAP. 516.

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the di-
rectors for the time being, shall have full power and
authority, and it shall be their duty, to layout the
grounds aforesaid into burial lots, in such manner
and form as they shall deem most suitable, and to lay
out such aisles or pass ways as to them shall seem
right and proper, and shall dispose of such lots,
by sale at auction or otherwise, for the best price that
can he obtained therefor, giving at least ten days no-
tice of the time and place of such sale, by putting up
not less than five advertisements in the most public
places in the neighborhood, and if any of the lots
should remain unsold after such sale the said directors
may at any time thereafter sell the same, at such time and
in such manner as they may think best, and the said di-
rectors shall at all times have the management and con-

Duties and
powers of the

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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 677   View pdf image
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