CHAP. 346.
ernor shall issue his proclamation, ordering an elec-
tion to be held in the several counties and the city off
Baltimore, on the first Wednesday of September,
eighteen hundred and fifty, for Delegates to the Con-
vention to frame a new Constitution and Form of
Government, in such manner, and under such regula-
tions as are hereinafter provided; provided, that if the
Chancellor and Chief Judge shall refuse to act, then
the Governor shall alone proceed to discharge the du-
ties specified in this section.
Number of del-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That at the election to
be held for delegates to the Convention, as prescribed
in the third section of this act, the legal voters shall pro-
ceed by ballot to elect Delegates to the Convention,
whose qualifications shall be the same as those now re-
quired for a seat in the House of Delegates, and each
county and city of Baltimore, shall be entitled to the
same number of Delegates to the Convention, as they
now have respectively in both Houses of the General
Assembly of Maryland; and it is also provided, that
the sheriff of each county, of Howard district and of
the city of Baltimore, shall give notice that the vote is
to be taken as to a Convention, as hereinbefore provided
for, by publication, at least once a week for three, weeks,
before the period fixed by the provisions of this act for
the holding of the same.
judge of elec-
tion of dele-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the laws relating to
the election of Delegates to the General Assembly, shall
in all respects govern and apply to the election of Dele-
gates to the said Convention, and the said Convention
shall determine on the validity of the election and qual-
ification of its members.
When Conven-
tion is to as-
SEC. 6. And be it, enacted, That the Convention
'assembling in accordance with the call of the people
and this act of Assembly, shall meet at the city of An-
napolis on the first Monday of November, eighteen
hundred and fifty, and the said Convention shall con-
tinue in session from day to day until the business for
which they have been convened, shall be fully com-
pleted and finished, and the compensation of the Dele-
gates to the said Convention shall be. four dollars a day,
and the mileage now allowed by law to members of the
House of Delegates, and the said Convention shall have
power to appoint such clerks and other officers, as may
be deemed necessary to facilitate, the transaction of the
business of the Convention, and to fix their compensa-
tion, and that the Treasurer of the State of Maryland
shall pay upon the order of the President of the said
Convention, to each member thereof, the said sum of