third Monday in March, in each and every year here-
after, at such house as shall hereafter be designated
as the Town Hall, by the municipality, be authorised
to elect five judicious and discreet persons commis-
sioners for the said village, and who shall have resided
within the limits of said village, for at least twelve
months next preceding the election.
CHAP. 339.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That any justice of the
peace for the county aforesaid, shall, in the first in-
stance, be the judge of the said election, who shall
open the polls at two o'clock in the evening, and close
the same at six o'clock in the evening, and shall re-
turn his certificate of the persons elected to the said
commissioners, on the day first appointed for their
meeting, and the same shall be filed and recorded
among their proceedings.
First election,
how conducted.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all future elections
shall be held and conducted as shall he, from time to
time, directed by the bye-laws of the corporation, the
same not being inconsistent with the provisions of
this act.
Future elec-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That every commissioner
to be appointed in pursuance of this act, before he
shall proceed to execute his office, shall take an oath
or affirmation, before some justice of the peace of the
county aforesaid, that he will diligently and faithfully,
according to the best of his judgment, perform the
duties of a commissioner of the said village, accord-
ing to the directions of this act, without favor, par-
tiality or prejudice, and a certificate of such qualifica-
tion shall be made and returned by such justice of the
peace to the said commissioners, to be filed and re-
corded among their proceedings.
Oath required.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
so elected shall have power to meet and adjourn from
time to time, as they shall see fit, and shall, on the
first meeting after said election, choose from their own
body, a president, who shall preside at all meetings of
the commissioners, vote on all questions before them,
and remain in office until superseded by the appoint-
ment of a new president, after a new election of com-
missioners as aforesaid.
To appoint
SEC 7. And he it enacted, That if any of the com-
missioners so elected shall die, resign or remove from
the said village, or be non compos, or otherwise dis-
qualified during the year for which he or they may
be elected, an election to fill the vacancy shall be held,
how supplied.