CHAP. 332.
An act entitled, a supplement to an act to lay off a Pri-
mary School District, in Anne Arundel county, pas-
sed December Session, eighteen hundred and forty
chapter one hundred and sixty-one.
Passed Mar. 6,
SECTION 1. The it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the tuition money authorised to be
regulated and fixed by the trustees, in the third sec-
tion of this act, to which this is a supplement, shall
not exceed one dollar per month, and any child at-
tending one day in the month, shall be charged for
the whole month, the diary of the leather to be evi-
dence of such attendance.
Tuition money
not to exceed
$1 per month.
SEC. 2. And, be it enacted, That the tuition money
shall bo paid monthly, and if not paid at the end of
the fiscal year, it shall be the duty of the trustees to
place the same in the hands of the county or district
collector, who shall give the trustees a receipt for the
same, to be collected by said collector in the same
manner that other taxes are collected, and paid over to
the trustees, or any one of them, in sixty days.
To be paid
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if the county col-
lector be selected to collect for the school district, then
his bond as collector to be answerable for the faithful
performance of his duty as district collector.
Collector — his
bond, etc.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the cost of collec-
tion shall be paid by the parent or guardian, but should
any parent or guardian think himself or herself
aggrieved by the trustees in levying the tuition money,
then said parent or guardian, after having paid said
tuition money, may appeal to the commissioners of
primary school, whose duty it shall be to hear and
decide said appeal, and should they consider the charge
too high, they shall state, in writing, the amount to
be refunded, and the trustees shall refund the same.
Right of appeal
An act to incorporate the Chesapeake and Ohio Steam
Transportation Company.
March 4, 1850.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That William A. Bradley, Jacob Bige-