CHAP. 319.
Passed Feb. 28,
An act to incorporate the Union Hall Company, of
Weverton, in Frederick county.
WHEREAS, it has been represented to this General As-
sembly, that a number of citizens of Weverton, and
vicinity, are desirous of forming themselves into a com-
pany for erecting a public hall or building to be used
for religious, literary, scientific, and beneficial purpo-
ses generally — Therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Doctor John Reid, Adam Wever,
Doctor J. Thomas Hall, Reverend J. Rinehart, and
General John Stewart, be and they are hereby ap-
pointed commissioners to receive subscriptions to the
Union Hall Company, of Weverton, and vicinity, and
they, or any three of them, are hereby authorised, af-
ter giving five days public notice, to open books at
such times and places as they may appoint and spe-
cify in the notice so given, and receive subscriptions
to an amount not exceeding twelve thousand dollars,
one dollar shall be paid to the commissioners on each
share when subscribed, and within ten days after one
hundred and fifty shares have been subscribed, the
said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall give
ten days public notice for said subscribers to meet and
elect seven of said subscribers directors, to hold their
office until the next annual meeting, or until their
successors be elected, any three of said commissioners
shall be judges of said election, the commissioners
shall deliver and pay to the directors so elected the
subscription book, certified by a majority of them, and
the money received from the subscribers, deducting
all expenses incurred by them in performing their
Capital stock.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock
of the said company shall not exceed twelve hundred
shares, of ten dollars each, the subscribers and hol-
ders of said stock, and their successors, shall be and
they hereby are created a corporation and body politic,
by the name and style of the Union Hall Company,
and by that name shall have succession, may sue and
be sued, defend and be defended, in any court of re-
cord, or any other place whatever, and have and use
a common seal, and the same alter or renew at plea-
sure, with power to purchase, and receive, and hold,
they and their successors forever, any lands, tene-