on any default, or for the refusal or neglect to serve any
process under the provisions of this act, in the same
manner and to the same extent as the sheriffs and con-
stables, and their securities, are liable by the existing
laws of this State.
CHAP. 270.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the right of appeal to
any county court of the county in which any attachment
shall issue under the provisions of this act, shall be al-
lowed in all cases under this act from the judgment of
any justice of the pence, subject to all the rules and re-
quirements of law established to regulate appeals from
the decisions of justices of the peace by the existing laws
of this State.
Right of appeal
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful
for the several justices of the peace of this State to issue
attachments, by way of execution, on all judgments
obtained before a justice of the peace, in the same man-
ner and under the same rules as are now observed by
May issue at-
tachments on
the several county courts of this State; provided however,
the judgments upon which the attachments may issue,
shall not exceed the sum of fifty dollars, exclusive of costs.
An act to make valid certain Surveys therein men-
Passed Mar. 5,
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly
of Maryland, that the commissioners appointed by
Queen Anne's county court to divide the lands of
Thomas Murphey and Sarah Winchester, late of said
county, deceased, amongst their legal representatives,
did employ James W. Thompson a competent surveyor
to lay down and divide said lands among those entitled
thereto; and whereas, some doubt is entertained in re-
gard to the legality of said survey, the said James W.
Thompson not having been at the time the county sur-
veyor — Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the proceedings of said commissioners, and the
surveys made by the said James W. Thompson, under
and by virtue of their direction as aforesaid, be and the
fame are hereby declared to be as valid and good in law,
as if the same had been made by the county surveyor
of said county, under the direction of the said commis-
Made valid.