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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 241   View pdf image
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performance of any required duty under this act; the
said surveyor shall perform all such further duties as are
hereinafter imposed upon him.

CHAP. 221.

SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the Board of Edu-
cation shall meet at the court-house, in the town of
Elkton, on the second Monday of September next after
the passage of this act, for the purpose of receiving the
report of the county surveyor, and shall proceed to ex-
amine and confirm the same, or take such action there-
upon as may under the provisions of this act be re-
quired; any person or persons conceiving himself, them
selves, or their neighborhoods aggrieved by any of the
divisions made by, or any of the acts of the surveyor,
may appeal to the Board of Education, setting forth in
writing the grievance complained of and the particular
modification desired, whereupon the Board of Educa-
tion shall examine into the matter complained of, and
if they deem it necessary or proper, may require the
surveyor to re-examine the localities in question, and
report whether the modification desired can be adopted
without detriment to the public interest, and upon said
report, the Board of Education shall determine the
matter finally; when the surveyor's report of the divi-
sion of the county into school districts shall have been
examined and adopted, or modified and finally ratified
and confirmed, it shall be distinctly made out by the
surveyor, under the supervision of the Board of Educa-
tion, and published in each of the newspapers publish-
ed in the said county, and in handbills set up in at least
two of the most public places in each of the said school

Board of Edu-
cation to acton
the report of
the surveyor.

SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the persons resid-
ing in the several school districts entitled to vote for
delegates to the General Assembly, shall he deemed
and considered school voters; that the board of edu-
cation shall, within five days after the confirmation of
of the surveyor's report, proclaim a school election,
giving at least three weeks notice, by advertisement
inserted in each of the newspapers printed in the said
county, and in hand bills setup in at least three of
the most public places in each of the said school dis-
tricts, of the time and the place in each school district
at which said election shall be held; at which said
time, and at the places in the several school districts so
named, the school voters of the said county shall as-
semble in their respective districts, and when so as-
sembled, shall appoint a chairman and secretary, who
shall also be judge and clerk of the election, and said
voters shall preceed to elect, by ballot, three school

for the whole
county, and 3
trustees for ev-
ery school dis-
trict to be elec-
ted by people.

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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 241   View pdf image
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