CHAP 148.
eighteen hundred and forty-five, in Worcester county,
be and he is hereby authorised and empowered to
collect any and all taxes, or balances of taxes, due to
him, and now remaining unpaid for the several years
in which lie was collector as aforesaid, in said county,
in the some manner and with the same privileges and
powers hie could or might have done within the time
limited by law.
To make oath.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That before the said Ma-
thias N. Lindsy should proceed to collect any taxes,
or balances of taxes, from any person or persons, he
shall make oath, in due form of law, before some jus-
tice of the peace for Worcester county, that the same
remains unpaid, and that lie has not received any se-
curity or satisfaction for the same, nor any part there-
of, more than the credits, if any, allowed therein.
In force.
SEC 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
affect from the date of its passage, and be in force and
continue until the first day of May, eighteen hundred
and fifty-two.
Passed Feb. 23,
A further supplement to an act entitled, an act for the
relief of sundry Insolvent Debtors, passed at No-
vember Session, eighteen hundred and five, chapter
one hundred and ten.
Relief granted
during terms of
county courts.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall and may be lawful tor the several judges
of the Orphans Court of the several counties of this
State, to grant discharges to applicants for the benefit
of the act to which this is a supplement, and its se-
veral supplements, during the session of the county
courts of the respective counties, in the same manner
that they are now authorised to do during the recess
of such courts.