CHAP. 62.
Feb. 8, 1848.
An act to provide for the completion of the records of
the office of the Clerk of the Court of Howard Dis-
trict, of Anne Arundel County,
ers to examine
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Edward Hammond and William
W. Watkins, esquires, be and they are hereby appoin-
ted commissioners to inspect the records belonging to
the office of the clerk of the court of Howard district,
of Anne Arundel county, and ascertain what dockets,
records or record books belonging to said office
are imperfect, or not made up and kept according to
law, and if upon examination they, the said commission-
ers, shall find any dockets or records anterior to the
time when the present clerk came into office imper-
fect or otherwise not made up or kept in said office
according to law, they shall be, and are hereby em-
powered to employ the clerk of said court lor the time
being to record all such matters and to bring up and
finish all such dockets or records as ought by law to
have been recorded and completed anterior to the first
day of April, eighteen hundred and forty-seven.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That for the services
to be performed by the said clerk under the provisions
of this act, he shall be entitled to charge and receive
such compensation as is now allowed by law for such
services, to be levied by the commissioners of Howard
district, and collected and paid as other county charges
are, upon the certificate of either one of the said com-
missioners that the services for which such charge is
made have been actually performed; provided, that
nothing herein contained shall be construed to authorise
the said clerk to make any charge for providing books
for completing the records aforesaid, unless in the opin-
ion of the said commissioners, he is not bound by law
to furnish the same.
Not to invali-
date records.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That nothing contained
in this act shall be construed to relieve or invalidate
any bond or securityship now existing and responsible
for the performance of his official duties by any former
clerk of said court.