March 8, 1848.
Resolution appropriating a certain sum of money to de-
fray the contingent expenses of the State.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the sum of twelve thousand dollars be and it is hereby
appropriated to defray the contingent expenses of the
State for the years one thousand eight hundred forty-
eight, and one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine,
and the Treasurer is authorised and directed to pay,
upon the orders of the Executive, any sums not exceed-
ing that amount, out of any unappropriated money in
the Treasury.
No. 61.
March 8, 1848.
Resolutions in relation to the Treasurer paying certain
claims out of the Tobacco Fund,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the following statement of John Sullivan and Sons of
Baltimore city, for five hundred and twenty dollars and
thirty-six cents; of William Cooke and Sons, for three
hundred and ninety-three dollars and thirty-eight cents;
of William Lamping, for six hundred and twenty-six
dollars and thirty-five rents; of Wesley Stair and Sons,
for nine hundred and twenty-nine dollars and seventy
cents; of T. Oswald Wilson, for twenty-two dollars and
sixty-nine cents; of Whittington and Snyder, for eigh-
ty-five dollars and twelve cents, as agents for the owners
of tobacco claiming compensation for storage and dama-
ges thereon, be and the same are hereby allowed.
Be it further resolved, That the account of Neale
and Luckett, of Baltimore city, for ninety-one dollars
and forty-nine cents, be also hereby allowed; provided,
the said Neale and Luckett have the account and state-
ment heretofore filed, properly authenticated, according
to the provisions of resolution number fifty-two, passed
at December session eighteen hundred and forty-six.
Be it further resolved. That as soon as the foregoing
statements and accounts shall be presented to the Trea-
surer of this State, in compliance with the provisions
hereof, that said treasurer be and he is hereby authoris-
ed and required to pay, out of the tobacco fund of this