CHAP. 332.
of the Baltimore and Ohio rail road, not far from the
mouth of Crabb Tree creek, along the ravine or valley
of the north fork of Savage river, in as straight a line
as the nature of the country will admit, to the point of
junction of Elk Lick run with said north fork of the
Savage, the said road not to be located through any
building, garden, yard or orchard without the consent
of the owner thereof, and to be laid out at least thirty-
five feet wide, to be ditched on both sides and thrown
up in the centre in such manner as to secure a firm, and
as near as possible, an even surface rising towards the
middle of a gradual arch, and to be made so nearly
level in its progress as that it shall in no place rise or
fall more than will form an angle of six degrees with a
horizontal line, the same thereafter to be maintained
and kept in good order and repair, good and substantial
bridges or culverts to be erected by said president and
directors over all the water courses that said road may
cross and to be kept also in good order and repair.
May make
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That said president and
directors may adopt such rules and bye-laws as may be
necessary to carry into effect the object of this act, not
inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this State,
shall have lull power and authority to appoint and em-
ploy such officers and laborers as they may find neces-
sary to execute the purposes of this act, and it shall be
the duly of said president and directors, after they shall
have finished said road, to return the courses and bounds
thereof to the clerk of Allegany county court, to be by
him recorded at the expense of said corporation.
When instal-
ments are to be
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the several sums sub-
scribed as aforesaid shall be paid in such manner and
at such times and places as said president and directors
shall direct, and if any subscriber shall fail in making
payment when culled for as aforesaid, within sixty days
of the time limited therefor, he shall be liable to forfeit,
if the possessor of one share, the said share so sub-
scribed, as also all monies paid on account thereof, if
the subscriber shall be the holder of more than one
share, he shall be entitled to hold and retain as many
shares us the sums of money paid and advanced by him
will pay for the remaining shares, as also the surplus
money advanced or paid, if insufficient to pay for an
additional share, shall be liable to be forfeited by said
president and directors lor the use of the other stock-
holders, and if any of the subscribers aforesaid shall
refuse or neglect to make such payments as may be
called for as aforesaid within the time limited as afore-