tolls, such sum or sums of money as they may deem
CHAP. 313.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That .the subscribers for
slock of said company shall be and they are hereby in-
corporated and constituted a body politic by the name
of the Mechanicstown, Harbaugh's Valley and Pennsyl-
vania Line Turnpike Road Company, and by the same
name the said stockholders and their successors and as-
signs shall have all the privileges and franchises of or in-
cident to a corporation, and shall be capable of taking
and holding the said capital stuck and the increase ami
profits thereof, and of enlarging the same by new sub-
scriptions on the original terms if necessary to fulfil the
intent of this act, and of purchasing and holding to them
and their successors in fee simple or for any less estate,
such lands and estate, real or personal, as shall be ne-
Name and
cessary to them in the prosecution of their works; pro-
vided, said lands or real estate shall not exceed two acres
in any one lot or parcel for the use of the gate keeper,
and of sueing and being sued, answering and being an-
swered in any court of law or equity in this State, and
the said company shall have power to make a seal and
alter and break the same and renew it at their will and
pleasure, and to do all other acts necessary for the pur-
poses for which they are incorporated, as fully as any
other corporation may do.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the sums so subsctib-
ed shall be paid to the managers of said company in
such instalments and at such times as they may direct,
by giving two months notice of the payments required,
in one or more newspapers published in Frederick and
Washington counties.
when to be
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the stockholders in
said company shall, on the first Monday of May eighteen
hundred and forty-nine, and on the first Monday of May
in each succeeding year, elect by ballot as aforesaid for
the ensuing year nine managers as aforesaid, and the
managers of said company, or a majority of them, shall have
the power to appoint one or more judges of all elections, and
to elect a president of said company from among the ma-
nagers or stockholders, and to allow him a compensation
for his services if they shall deem proper, and if any
vacancy shall occur by death, resignation, refusal to act
or removal from the county of a president or manager,
a stockholder may be elected by the managers to fill the
vacancy until the next annual election, and all elections
required by this act to be made on a particular day, it not
made on that day, may be made on any other day after
how and when