CHAP. 220.
Tolls regulat-
or sheep, or driving or riding in any carriage, wagon or
other vehicle of burthen or pleasure from passing
through said gates until they shall have respectively
paid the toll or tolls chargeable at the same, that is to
say, for every space of five miles in length of said road
the following sums of money, and so in proportion for
any greater or less distance for any greater or lesser
number of sheep, horses, hogs, or cattle, to wit: for
every, score of cattle ten cents, for every score
of sheep, five cents; for every score of hogs, five,
cents; for every horse, and his rider or led horse,
three cents; for every sulkey, chair or chaise with one
horse and two wheels, five cents; for every chariot,
coach, stage, wagon, phaeton or chaise with two horses
and four wheels, ten cents; for either of the carriages
last mentioned with four horses, fifteen cents, for every
other carriage of pleasure under whatever name it may
go the like sums according to the number of its wheels
and the number of horses drawing the same; for every
cart or wagon whose wheels do not exceed the breadth
of four inches, five cents for each horse drawing the
same; for every part or wagon whose wheels shall ex-
ceed in breath four inches and not exceed seven inches,
three cents for every horse drawing the same; for every
cart or wagon, the breadth of whose wheels, shall be
more than seven inches, and, not more than ten inches,
or being of the breadth of seven shall roll more than
ten inches, two cents for every horse, or ox drawing
the, same; provided, that the said last mentioned tolls
shall not be charged and collected on any part of said
road which is not made and completed in the manner
hereinbefore directed, nor shall any person, their wa-
gons, carts, carriages or other vehicles or their animals
be compelled to pay the said tolls for passing the said
several and respective gales on said road more than
once in twenty-four hours; and provided further, that
said president and directors shall not in any one year
divide or distribute amongst , the stockholders an
amount of the money received for tolls exceeding six
per centum on the slock held by them respectively, and
shall apply all the residue of said tolls, after making such
dividend, to the further improvement of said road, its
culverts and bridges, after deducting a sum sufficient to
pay officers salaries and other incidental expenses.
Penalty for
evading pay-
ment of toll.
SEC. 13 And be it enacted, That if any person
shall drive any carriage or wagon, cart or other
vehicle of burthen round any toll or turnpike gate
with the indention to avoid the payment of toll, and if
any person shall lead or drive his riding horse or any