nay and shall remain liable to actions at the suit of the
president and directors for further damages for such of-
fence if the sum or sums herein mentioned be not suffi-
cient to repair and satisfy such damages.
CHAP. 192.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That in case any ferry
over the Potomac river, within two miles above and be-
low said bridge, the right to which is secured to the
party or parties carrying on the same by charter grant-
ed by the legislature of Maryland, shall be deprived of
any chartered right or otherwise injured by the provi-
sions of this act, said party or parties shall be entitled,
upon application in proper form and to the proper authori-
ty, to have the damages sustained by them in consequence
of such deprivation or injury assessed by a jury in the
usual form for cases of damage made and provided, and
said North Branch Bridge company shall be answera-
ble to said party or parties for said damages so ascer-
tained, in any property held by such company under
the provisions of this act.
how ascertain-
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act
contained shall be so construed to confer any banking pri-
vileges upon said company, and the legislature reserves
to itself the right to alter, amend or repeal this charter
at pleasure.
Banking for-
An act to alter and amend the fifteenth section of an act
to incorporate the Mutual Fire and Marine Insurance
Company of Baltimore, passed at December session
eighteen hundred and forty-four.
March 3, 1848.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the fifteenth section of the act of incorporation is
hereby amended, and shall read as follows, viz: that an
annual statement shall be made of the company's bu-
siness on or before the first day of June, eighteen hundred
and forty-eight, and in each and every year thereafter
on the same day, to ascertain the nett earned premiums
as near as may be for the preceding year, and if it
be ascertained that after payment of all claims against
the company that any profits have been made during the
above period the directors, or a majority of them,
may declare a dividend of said profits, and may
issue certificates of a per centum on the earned premi-
Annual state-