after they shall have been notified of said loss, to cause
an accurate estimate and statement to be made of the
proportion or sura to be contributed by each member to
make good said loss to the person having sustained said
loss, and to notify the members of the said corporation of
the same, and if at the expiration of sixty days from the
date of such notice any member of said corporation
shall have failed to pay his, her or their contribution
aforesaid, it shall be lawful fur the said board of direc-
tors, upon filing such statement in the office of the clerk
of Montgomery county, or with the clerk of such other
county or district in which such defaulting member or
members shall reside, to cause execution to issue for the
said proportion, in the same manner as if a judgment had
been rendered for the same, together with all costs in-
cident to such proceeding.
CHAP. 189.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the said company
shall have and is hereby invested with lull power and
authority to make any bye-law or bye-laws whereby
any member of the said company failing to pay the inte-
rest on his, her or their premium note or notes, accord-
ing to the constitution and bye-laws of the said company,
may be excluded from all benefit of insurance, and at the
same time held liable to contribution in case of loss by
others during all the time he, she or they may be so in
default, any law or statute of this State, to the contrary
thereof in anywise, notwithstanding.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the said company
shall have full power and authority to rescind or revoke
any policy of insurance by them issued, whenever they
shall deem it for the interest of said company so to do.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the legislature, re-
serves to itself the right to change, alter or annul this
act of incorporation at pleasure.
In case of ne-
Authorised to
revoke policy.
An act to provide for the cession of the territorial juris-
diction of this State over Certain land on Sharp's
Island, Talbot County, to the United States for the
purpose of removing the Light House now on the Is-
land, the encroachment of the sea having exposed said
Light House to great danger.
March 4, 1848.