to any person to sell ardent spirits with-
in two miles of the college of St. James
in, without order from one of the judges,
The proviso in section 1, ch. 183,
passed 1842, repealed, for the protection
of mechanics, &c.
The proviso in sec\ion 2, ch. 183,
passed 1842, repealed, and said section
shall be construed to extend said lien,
&c., to any lot or land attached to said
building at the time of erection.
Act of 1842, ch. 183, to extend to all
work done or materials, &c.
Where contractor or builder shall
have purchased materials, or contracted
for work, and the party from whom pur-
chase or contract was made, shall have
given notice to the owners of the a-
mount due him, whether for work or
materials, such owner to retain from
costs of such building, the amount as-
certained to be due to party giving notice,
and that in case a lien be laid by the
party from whom purchase or contract
is made by giving notice, and be also
laid by contractor or builder, said con-
tractor or builder to receive only the dif-
ference, between the amount due him,
and that due to person from whom such
purchase or contract was made, or by
patty giving notice.
No lien considered as waived by
granting credit, or teceiving notes or
other securities, unless received as pay-
ment, or said lien be expressly waived,
sole effect to prevent issuing of sci. fa-
cias, or other proceedings to enforce said
lien until expiration of credit agreed on,
provided lien or claim be filed within
the time required by law, and further,
that it does not impair the 12th section
of act of 1842, ch. 183.
Section 4 of act of 1842, ch. 183, so
to be construed that no lien given by said