Preamble and Resolution for the Repair of certain Arms
in the State Armories.
WHEREAS, it appears from the report of the Adjutant
General of Maryland, made in obedience to the orders
of the Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Militia
of the State of Maryland, that there are a number of
arms in the several State Arsenals unfit for service, but
which may be rendered serviceable at a small expense,
and thereby enable the executive to gratify, to a con-
siderable extent, the numerous requisitions tor arms
from uniform Volunteer corps, which he is unable to do
from the limited number of arms receivable, annually,
from the General Government, as the State's quota,
under the act of Congress of eighteen hundred and
eight — Therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Governor be, and he is hereby authorised to con-
tract for the repairs of said arms and such others as
may from time to time be returned to said Arsenals,
upon the most reasonable terms, and lhat he draw on
the treasurer for such sum or sums as may be necessary
for the cost and expense thereof, in favor of the person
or persons performing such service.
March 10,