CHAP. 309.
right is hereby expressly reserved to the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, at its pleasure, to alter, amend or
annul this act of incorporation.
Passed March
8, 1847.
A supplement to an act entitled, an act to appoint Trus-
tees for the Little Falls Meeting House and Forest
Meeting House in Harford County, pasted at December
session, eighteen hundred and twenty-three.
WHEREAS, John Saurin Norris, Thomas Kemp and
George Reese, of Harford county, have given to the Little
Falls monthly meeting of the Society of Friends, certain
grounds or parcels of land for the purpose of erecting
thereon school houses and other buildings appertaining
to the use of such schools — that is to say, two pieces or
parcels of ground lying continuous to each other, and
nearly adjoining to the lot on which is now erected the
Union Chapel, each containing about one-half of an acre ;
one parcel belonging to said Noiris, and the other parcel
to said Kemp; and a parcel of ground now belonging to
said Reese; and the monthly meeting aforesaid having
no legal authority to receive a title to the said lands —
May convey
by deed.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That at any time alter the passage of this act,
it shall and may be lawful for the said John Saurin Norris
and Thomas Kemp and George Reese to convey by deed
or deeds the several pieces of ground hereinbefore men-
tioned; the two first specified parcels not to exceed,
collectively, one acre and one-hall of an acre; and the
last named parcel not to exceed one acre and one-half
of an acre, to the trustees of the Little Falls monthly
meeting of the Society of Friends, appointed by virtue
of, and in conformity with the act to which this is a sup-
plement; the title to which said parcels of land shall be
be held by them and their successors in the same manner
and with the same power as they hold the title of the
grounds on which are sitauted the meeting houses men-
tioned in the original act to which this is a supplement,
for the use of schools, with the necessary buildings ap-
pertaining thereto, under the care of the said monthly,
meeting, and for no other use whatever, and for no lon-
ger time than they shall be so used.