CHAP. 308.
time to time, as they may think best; and shall in gene-
ral have and exercise all such rights, privileges and im-
munities, as by law are incident or necessary to corpora-
tions, and may be necessary to the corporation herein
constituted, to enable its members to exercise all things
concerning the design of this corporation, for the relief
of the sick and distressed, and for the promotion of their
benevolent purposes generally.
Funds or es-
tate not to be
Issues forbid.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the funds and estate
of the corporation shall not af any time be divided or
distributed amongst the members, or diverted from the
purposes contemplated by its formation, without the
permission of the General Assembly of Maryland.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act
shall be so taken or construed as to allow the said cor-
poration to issue any note, token, scrip or device, to be
used as currency.
Right reserv-
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this act of incorpo-
ration shall continue and exist for fifty years from its pas-
sage, unless the General Assembly of Maryland should
alter, amend or annul it, which right is reserved to the
Legislature to exercise at pleasure.
Passed March
1, 1847.
An act to incorporate the Trustees of the Union Academy,
of Emmittsburg in Frederick County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Isaac Baugher, Joshua Motter, Andrew
Annan, John Zimmerman and Jacob Sheetz, be appoint-
ed trustees for the Union Academy of Emmittsburg, in
the town of Emmittsburg, in Frederick county, and their
successors, to be appointed as hereinafter directed,
shall fotever hereafter be, and they are hereby declared
to be a body politic and corporate, with perpetual suc-
cession, in deed and in law, by the name and style of the
Trustees of the Union Academy of Emmittsburg, by
which name and style, the said trustees and their suc-
cessors shall be capable in law and in equity to hold
property, the value of which shall not exceed five thou-
sand dollars, for said academy.
Vacancy to be
filled by trus-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That if any vacancy occurs
in the board of trustees, the same shall be filled by the