An act supplementary to an act concerning the draining
of Swamps and Low Grounds, by laying out and open-
ing of Public Ditches in Worcester, Queen Ann's and
Dorchester Counties, passed at December Session, eighteen
hundred and forty-four, chapter two hundred and seventy-
CHAP. 300.
Passed March
8, 1847.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That in case of the death, resignation, remo-
val from the county, or other disqualification of either or
both of managers, or of the treasurer appointed, of to be
appointed, as directed by the provisions of the seventh
section of the act to which this is a supplement, it shall
and may be lawful for any three taxables rated for such
ditch or ditches, immediately upon such vacancy or va-
cancies being known, to call together, by advertisement,
as directed by the seventh section aforesaid, tht taxabtes
rated for such ditch or ditches, for the purpose of sup-
plying such vacancy or vacancies, and the person or
person's, receiving a majority of the votes to be cast
at such meeting, under the regulations prescribed by the:
aforesaid section, shall be declared duly elected, to serve
until the annual election.
In case of
death or remo-
val &c. of ma-
nagers or trea-
surer, taxable
inhabitants to
be called toge-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the provisions of this
act shall be in force from and after the day of its passage.
In force from
An act relating to Non-Resident Guardians of Infants
living out of this State, and having property therein,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That where any infant is, or shall hereafter
be entitled to the proceeds, or any part thereof, of any
sale or sales of property in this State, made by any
trustee or trustees, under the order or decree of the
court of chancery, or any county court, silting as a court
of equity, and such infant, if male, is, or shall be under
the age of twenty-one years, or if female, under the age
of eighteen years, and not residing in this State, nor
having any guardian therein, but lesiding in some other
State, District of Columbia, or Territory of the United
Passed March
9, 1847.