attachment now pending in, or that shall hereafter issue
out of any of the courts of this State against the lands,
goods and chattels, &c., of any non-resident or abscond-
ing debtor, shall be abated, quashed or dismissed by
reason of the omission or misspelling of the Christian
name or names of any such non-resident or absconding
debtor; but the court shall allow any such writ of at-
tachment to be amended at any time before or after plea
in abatement, or motion to quash or dismiss may be filed;
CHAP. 54.
provided, the court are satisfied by the oath of the plain-
tiff or other testimony, that the lands, goods or chattels
seized, taken or levied upon at the time of such seizure
or levy, were the lands, goods or chattels of the non-
resident or absconding debtor, against whose lands,
goods and. chattels the attachment was sued forth and
intended thereby to be taken.
An act for the incorporation of the Potomac Transporta-
tion Company.
Passed Feb.
4, 1846.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly
of Maryland, that the completion of the Baltimore and
Ohio railroad and the extension of the Chesapeake and
Ohio canal to Cumberland, and the opening of the coal
and iron mines in that neighborhood will greatly increase
the trade on the canal and railroad, and create a demand
for canal boats and ships for the transportation of the
produce of the mines and other articles of commerce,
which cannot well be supplied by individual enterprise,
and that the consequent high prices of freights will ope-
rate against the interests of this State by diminishing the
business to be done on the railroad and canal, and that
there are persons of capital willing to invest their funds
in a company for the purpose of supplying the requisite
canal boats and ships, if they ran obtain an act of incor-
poration, with appropriate privileges — therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the persons who may become the own-
ers of the shares herein authorised to he created, be and
they are hereby created a body corporate in fact and in
law, by the name of the Potomac Transportation Com-
pany, and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and