tion, not being in his individual capacity a party to such
suit, or to any other by or against the corporation, shall
be incompetent as a witness on account of his being a
member thereof.
CHAP. 52.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That this act of incorpor-
ation shall inure for twenty years from the time of its
passage or until the end of the session of the General
Assembly thereafter.
In force 20 y'rs.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act
shall be so construed as to authorise the said corpora-
tion to issue any note, token,. scrip, device, or other evi-
dence of debt, to be used as currency.
Issues forbid.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the legislature re-;
serves to itself the right to alter or annul this act of in-
corporation at pleasure.
Right reserv-
An act for the benefit of James M. Gorsuch of Carroll
Passed Jan.
30, 1846.
WHEREAS, there is some doubts whether James M.
Gorsuch does reside in the Seventh or Eighth election
district in Carroll county, therefore
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, that, the said
James M. Gorsuch shall have the right of voting at the
polls of the Seventh election district whilst he remains
at his present residence.
Right to vote.
An act entitled, an act for the relief of Jacob Farst, of
Frederick county.
Passed Jan.
30, 1846.
WHEREAS, it appears, on the petition of Jacob Farst,
of Frederick county, that he emigrated, soon after the
revolutionary war, to the United States of North Ameri-
ca, and that in the year seventeen hundred and ninety-
eight he settled in Frederick county aforesaid, where he
has ever since continued to reside, and that on the elev-
enth day of December, eighteen hundred and forty-five,