this effect have been frequently made by committees of
Congress, and appropriations for the service have been
repotted, but from various circumstances have failed in
being effectually secured — therefore,
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the senators and representatives in Congress from
this State be earnestly requested to urge to its final pas-
sage an appropriation by Congress for the immediate
construction of the necessary fortifications at Sollers'
Point Flats in the harbor of Baltimore.
Resolved, That his excellency the Governor of Mary-
land, be respectfully requested to transmit a copy of the
foregoing preamble and resolutions to our senators and
representatives in Congress at as early a date as practi-
cable, after passage by this General Assembly.
Be it resolved, That the senators and representatives
in Congress, from this State, be earnestly requested to
urge upon the Congress of the United States, the expos-
ed condition of the Chesapeake bay, and the importance
of making liberal appropriations for the construction of
all fortifications that may be necessary for its defence.
No. 10.
Resolution in favor of George G. Brewer and Wm. Glo-
ver, for the keeping the Rooms of the House and Se-
nate in proper order during recess.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the State pay to George G. Brewer,
and William Glover, the sum of fifty dollars each, out of
any unappropriated money in the Treasury, the former
for keeping and attending to cleaning and ventilating the
House of Delegates during the recess, and the latter for
performing the same service for the Senate, during the
same period.
No. 11.
Passed Jan.
30, 1846.
Resolution in relation to Prince Frederick Academy and
Plumb Point Academy in Calvert County.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
instead of the sum of two hundred and sixty-six dollars
Passed Jan.
27, 1846.