CHAP. 391.
Passed Mar.
10, 1846,
A supplement to the act imposing a tax on Commissions
allowed to Executors and Administrators, passed at De-
cember session, eighteen hundred and forty-four, chap-
ter one hundred and eighty-four.
courts to de-
termine the
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall be the duty of the several or-
phans courts of this State, within twelve months from
the date of the grant of letters testamentary, or of admin-
istration, to fix and determine the commission which
shall be allowed to executors and administrators, and in
all subsequent accounts wherein executors and adminis-
trators may charge themselves with further or additional
assets, and so from time to time until the estate, of their
testator or intestate is finally closed; provided, nothing
in this act contained shall be construed to affect any ad-
ministiation granted prior to the first day of June last,
nor to affect by legislative construction or otherwise any
case now depending or hereafter to be taken in or before
the Court of Appeals of Maryland, arising out of any
questions connected with the testamentary system of the
State in relation to any administration granted prior to
the first day of June last past.
Act of 1698
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That so much of the act
of seventeen hundred and ninety-eight, chapter one hun-
dred and one, sub. chapter fourteen, sections six and
seven, entitled, an act for amending and reducing into
system, the laws and regulations concerning last wills
and testaments, the duties of executors, administrators
and guardians, and the rights of orphans and other rep-
resentatives of deceased persons, as dispenses with the
return of an inventory; provided, the executor be the re-
siduary legatee, or provided the residuary legatee, of full
age, shall certify his or her consent to the court, or pro-
vided the administrator is entitled to the whole residue
after the payment of debts and claims against the intes-
tate, be and the same is hereby repealed, and every such
executor or administrator, although he may give bond for
the payment of all debts, claims and damages which shall
be recovered against him as executor or administrator,
as by the said act is provided, shall nevertheless, within
three months from the date of his, her or their letters re-
turn an inventory or inventories of the personal estate of
their testator or intestates, as other executors and admin-
istrators are required by law to do, together with a list