CHAP. 280.
of conveying and distributing; said water, and the said
conduits or tunnels, from time to time, to renew and re-
pair, leaving at the same time, a sufficient passage for
carriages, horses or foot passengers, as the case may be,
and forthwith restoring to their former condition, all such
streets, lanes, alleys and side-pavements as may at any
time be dug, opened, or taken up.
Power of com-
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the said company
shall have full power to establish reservoirs and public
fountains, in such parts of the said streets and squares of
the said town, as they may think proper, and to grant to
all persons whomsover, and to all bodies corporate and
politic, the privilege of using said water, to be intro-
duced as aforesaid, in such manner and upon such terms
as they shall think fit.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That if any persons shall
wilfully pollute the said water, thus to be introduced, by
throwing any dead animals or other impure substances
into the same, or by washing themselves or clothes, or
the skins of dead animals or other impure things therein,
or by erecting a necessary or other nuisance, so near the
said water as to pollute the same, the person or persons
so offending, shall forfeit and pay to the said company,
a sum not exceeding twenty dollars, for every such of-
fence, to be recovered by warrent, before any justice of
the peace of the town of Cumberland, to be issued:
against the person so offending, if a freeman, otherwise,
against the husband, father, or master of the person offend-
ing, as the case may be, who shall be held answerable
Fine, &c.
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That if any inhabitants
of said town, or other person, such other person being
first duly cautioned, shall use, or in anywise meddle with
the water thus introduced, whether obtained from hy-
drants or otherwise, such inhabitants or person, not be-
ing a water renter at the time, or licensed by the said
president and directors, shall forfeit and pay for every
such offence, a sum not exceeding six dollars, to be re-
covered by the said president and directors by warrant,
as above stated.
May increase
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That if it shall be found
that the said capital be inefficient to effect the object in-
tended, the said president and directors, are and shall be
authorised, to increase the same, by subscription in the
manner and upon the terms hereinbefore prescribed for
the reception of subscriptions; provided, that the said
capital shall not be increased, so as to exceed forty thou-
sand dollars.