CHAP. 270.
the constitution and form of government of this State, a9
is contemplated by this act, is in accordance with the
will of the people; therefore,
Judges to en-
quire of each
voter, whether
in favor or a
gainst the bill.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That at the next annual
election, for delegates to the General Assembly of Mary-
land, the judges of election of the several cities and
and counties of this State, shall inquire of each voter, as
he casts his ballot, whether he is for or against the pro-
visions of this bill, and shall record his vote accordingly,
and the said judges shall make a due return of the re-
spective number of votes cast for, and those against the
same, in the same manner as returns are now made of the
votes cast for the Governor of this State; and any judge of
election failing to make return as aforesaid, shall be sub-
ject to all the penalties for the non-compliance with the
existing ejection laws of this State.
Passed Feb.
26, 1846.
An act to incorporate the Avondale Manufacturing Com-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Stephen B. Heath, D. Wilton Snow-
den, Horace Capron and Theodore Jenkins, be and they
are hereby made and constituted a body politic and cor-
porate, by the name of Avondale Manufacturing Com-
pany, and as such shall have succession, and may sue
and he sued, implead and be impleaded in any court of
Have a com-
mon seal.
law or equity, and may have and use a common seal, and
the same may change and alter at pleasure, and shall
have and exercise all the powers, rights and privileges,
which are necessary and proper for manufacturing cot-
ton, iron and other articles, and vending the same, and
for the aforesaid purposes, may have, hold and use lands
not exceeding five hundred acres in quantity, and erect
thereon such buildings and other improvements as may
be deemed necessary or expedient.
Capital stock.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock or
property already contributed by the parties hereby in-
corporated, shall be divided into shares of one hundred
dollars each, to be distributed amongst the said parties in
proportion to their respective interests, and the capital
stock of the corporation may be increased from time to