Johnson and John Glenn, assignees of Evan Poultney,
use of John Glenn, against Esther Bennett, administra-
trix of Abram Bennett; provided, that the said court shall
be satisfied that the alteration desired to be made in said
return, is right and just.
CHAP. 265.
An act for the extension of the time of William Nevitt,
collector of Charles county, for the payment of the Direct
and Income lax.
Passed Mar.
2, 1846.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the time for the payment of the direct
and income tax, and all taxes duo the State, for the years
eighteen hundred and forty three and eighteen hundred
and forty four, by William Nevitt, collector for Charles
county, he extended to the first day of January, eighteen
Time extend-
hundred and forty seven; provided, that the responsibili-
ty of the sureties of the said William Nevitt, shall not be
affected thereby; the State reserving to itself all its rights
and remedies against said sureties, notwithstanding the
provisions of this act; provided further, that the said
sureties file their assent thereto in writing in the office of
the clerk of the said county, on or before the first day of
April next.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That no proceedings shall
he had upon the bond of the said William Nevitt, col-
lector as aforesaid, until after the first day of January, in
the year eighteen hundred and forty seven; provided,
the sureties of the said William Nevitt give their assent
thereto, in the manner specified in the preceding sec-
No proceed-
ings on bond.
A further supplement to an act passed at December session,
eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, chapter three hundred
and sixty-two, entitled an act, appointing and regulat-
ing Primary Schools in Saint Mary's County.
Passed Mar.
2, 1846.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act,
Appoint an ar-