rable property shall become members of this company,
and such company are hereby vested with all powers
requisite and proper to carry this act into effect; pro-
tided, the same be not inconsistent with the constitution
and laws of this State; and in case any vacancies shall
occur in the board of directors, from death, resignation,
or any other cause, the board of directors shall supply
such vacancy or vacancies until the next annual election.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That any person or per-
sons, or body corporate, may become members of this
institution by insuring his, her or their property with the
company, and by paying in advance in cash, or by ex-
ecuting his note at his, her or their option, which
vole shall be secured in the manner hereinafter pre-
scribed, for such premium as may be required by the
board of directors, not less than seven per cent, on the
amount insured, according to the greater or less haz-
zard of insurance, the note to be executed to the Mutual
Insurance Company of Talbot County, and to bear
interest from date, the interest thereof to be paid annually
in advance, at the rate of six per cent, per annum.
CHAP. 190.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the clerk of the
county wherein the property insured may be situated,
shall be furnished with a docket by the Mutual Insurance
Company, in which docket shall be entered a judgment
by the person or persons, or body corporate, to the Mu-
tual Insurance Company of Talbot County, for the
amount of his, her or their premium note, without a
declaration being filed, appearance for plaintiff being
entered or writ issued against the party insuring, which
said party insuring, shall either appear in person, or
shall direct the clerk by an instrument in writing, signed
by said party, and attested by one witness, to enter up
judgment for the amount of his premium note, which
judgment shall be a lien upon his, her or their real
estate; and for said service the clerk shall receive the
sum often cents, to be paid by the insured, and no pol-
icy shall be issued until such judgment be entered up.
Clerk to be
furnished with
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That in case the party
insured, shall fail to pay his, her or their interest in ad-
vance, Sixty days after the same shall be due, or shall
fail to pay any assessment which may be made upon
his premium note, as is hereinafter provided, it shall be
lawful for the said company to issue an execution
against the real estate bound by such judgment for the
amount of such interest or assessment, which amount
shall be endorsed by the clerk, under the order of the
Company may
execute com-