of a perch, thence north forty degrees thirty minutes cast,
three perches and twelve one-hundredths of a perch, thence
north eighty-eight degrees forty-five minutes east, four
perches and two-tenths of a perch, thence south six degrees
fifteen minutes west, eleven perches, and sixty-four one
hundredths of a perch, to the place of beginning of which
John Day of Howard District, is now seized with the
assent of the said John Day, and his wife expressed in
writing be, and the same is hereby consecrated and set
apart for the use and purposes of a grave yard.
CHAP. 43.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said John Day,
his heirs, executors or administrators, shall have the afore-
mentioned land and premises laid off and divided into
suitable lots, and a plat thereof numbering and describ-
ing each and every lot, which said plat and description
shall be recorded in the clerks office of Howard District
Divided into
SEC. 3. And he it enacted. That after the filing and
recording said plat and [and] description in said office with
the said assent of the said John Day, and wife, a certificate
of transfer under the hand and seal of the said John Day,
his heirs, executors of administrators, for any lot or lots
therein mentioned, containing a description of the same
Filing plat.
Certificate of
transfer under
hand and seal.
and the number or numbers thereof shall be sufficient evi-
dence of title to such lot or lots, in any court of law or
equity in this State.
Evidence of
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That any person who shall
willfully destroy, mutilate, deface, injure or remove any
tomb, monument, grave stone or other structure, placed in
the grave yard aforesaid, or any fence or railing or other
work, for the protection or ornament of the same, or shall
willfully destroy, cut, break or remove any tree, shrub or
plant within the limits thereof, or shall shoot or discharge
Persons wil-
fully destroy,
mutilate, &c.
any gun or fire arms therein, shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor and shall upon a conviction thereof before
any justice of the peace of Howard District, be punished
by a fine at the discretion of the justice according to the
aggravation of the offence of not less than five nor more
than twenty dollars.
Guilty of
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That every lot conveyed by
certificate of transfer as aforesaid, in said grave yard shall
be held by the proprietors for the purpose of sepulture
alone, and for none other as real estate, and shall not be
subject to attachment or execution.
Not subject
to attachment
or execution.