SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That if the commissioners
shall see proper to adopt any ditch already made, as a
part of a ditch to be laid out under the provisions of this
act, they shall allow the owner or owners of said ditch a
far compensation therefor, to be paid by those benefitted
as other expenses are paid under this act; provided how-
ever, that the owner or owners of said ditch shall be taxed
their just proportion of the cost of the whole ditch.
ers may adopt
and allow.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That any person who may
fee injured by the making of any ditch laid out as aforesaid,
or who shall be assessed for any part of the cost thereof,
may apply to the said levy court or county commissioners
at any time before confirmation of the return for an order
of review, and the court may in its discretion, grant such
order and appoint other commissioners to perform the same
Persons enti-
tled to review.
duty as under the original commission.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the commissioners ap-
pointed under any order, original or of review, shall with-
in one month after the confirmation of their report, call
together the taxables rated for such ditch or ditches at
some convenient place near the swamp or low ground to
be drained, for the purpose of choosing two managers and
one treasurer of the ditch for the term of one year, and
until other persons shall be chosen to supply their places
respectively, notice of this meeting shall be given by ad-
vertisements, posted in four of the most public places of
the neighborhood, in which the swamp or low ground lies,
stating the time, place and object, of the meeting, and at
such meeting, or any other meeting, each of the taxables,
shall be entitled to the following grade of votes, in pro-
portion to their respective taxes to wit: for any tax, to
the amount of five dollars find under, one vote; for any
tax, not less than fifteen dollars, two votes; for any tax,
not less than thirty-five dollars, three votes; for any tax,
not less than sixty dollars, four votes; for any tax, not
Jess than one hundred dollars, five votes; for any tax,
to the amount of one hundred and fifty dollars and up-
wards, six votes; and any person so entitled may vote
by proxy authorised by writing under his or her hand,
and the managers for the time being, shall annually there-
after in the same manner, call a meeting for the same
purpose, on the first Saturday in March.
Within one
month after
of report to
call taxables,