said sheriff to the said jurors administered, shall proceed to condemn a quantity of land, not exceed-
ing half an acre, most convenient and proper for the erection of a ferry-house at said ferry, and
shall also inquire who is or are the owner or owners of the said land, what is the value thereof, and
what damages such owner or owners will sustain; and the said sheriff shall, im-mediately after such
valuation by the jury, cause the said land to be surveyed and laid out by the surveyor of said county,
with good and sufficient boundaries, and to return a certificate thereof, to be recorded among the
county records; and the sum of money the said jurors shall adjudge to the owner or owners of such
land, shall be assessed by the justices of the levy court of the said county at the time of their making
their next county assessment, which shall be collected by the sheriff or collector of said county, in
the same manner as the county assessment, and the sheriff or collector shall pay, or tender the same,
to the owner or owners of said land; and the justices of the levy court, and their successors, shall
be and are hereby vested with an estate in fee-simple in said land, for the use of such county
for ever.
Passed 4th of
Jan. 1807.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to provide for the appoint-
ment of commissioners for the regulation and improvement of
Cambridge, in Dorchester county, and to establish and regulate a
market in said town.
WHEREAS the powers granted to the commissioners of the town of Cambridge, by the origi-
nal act to which this is a supplement, are deemed insufficient to authorise the said commissi-
oners to make such regulations and improvements as are absolutely necessary for the well being and,
benefit of said town; therefore,
may make b) -
laws, &c.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the commissioners of the town of
Cambridge, whenever they, or a majority of them, shall deem it necessary, shall have full power and
authority to make such by-laws, and laws and regulations, as shall effect the following objects within the
limits of said town, viz. To prevent the running of horses, and the firing of guns in the streets,
the burning of chimnies in dry weather, the continuance of unsafe chimnies, stoves or stove-pipes,
and also to make, repair and regulate, footways, to make and keep open drains or sewers, to extend
the streets or alleys, to renew the boundaries of the streets, or alleys, to remove all nuisances, and
also to change the days or hours of market, as they shall think necessary.
Passed 3d of
Jan. 1807.
An ACT for the benefit of Elizabeth Webster, of the city of Bal-
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the petition of Elizabeth Webster,
of the city of Baltimore, that her father, Daniel Richardson, died in possession of a piece
of ground contiguous to the city of Baltimore, which has since been divided amongst his heirs,
agreeably to law, and that the aforesaid petitioner was heretofore married to a certain William
Webster, who, about three years since, left her, and their children, without the means of support,
to enable her to discharge her maternal duty, she has prayed this general assembly to empower her
to dispose of her part of the aforesaid property, and the prayer of the petitioner appearing reason-
able, therefore,
E. Webster
may lease; and,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for the
said Elizabeth Webster, and she is hereby authorised and empowered, to rent or lease the said piece
of land for any term, not exceeding fifteen years, and lo receive the profits thereof, to and for her
own use and benefit, and in case of her death before the expiration of the said term, the profits
arising from the same to be applied to the use and benefit of her children; provided, that nothing
herein contained shall be construed to affect the right of title of the said William Webster to the
profits aforesaid, or any part thereof, which shall not have been paid to the said Elizabeth Webster,
or to the use and benefit of her children, should the said William Webster return, and claim the
Passed 3d of
Jan. 1807.
An ACT to lay out, open and improve, the road leading from Han-
cock, in Washington county, to Cumberland, in Allegany county.
Con missioners
appointed, &c.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That John Johnson, of Washington county
and Thomas Pratt and Joshua Wilson, of Allegany county, be and they are hereby appointed