also for the payment of such compensation to the commissioners as is hereinafter directed to be
And order
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when the commissioners aforesaid shall have discharged all the
duties required of them by this act, the levy court aforesaid shall order to be made to the said com-
missioners respectively, out of the monies to be levied as is by this act directed, such compensation
as to the court shall seem meet, and the said commissioners respectively shall be thereafter dis-
Passed 3d of
Jan. 1807.
An ACT to alters change and amend a road in Anne-Arundel!
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the petition of sundry inhabitant,
of Anne-Arundel county, that the convenience of the public would be greatly promoted by
altering and changing the direction of a road therein mentioned;
appointed, &c.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Philip Hammond, Brice J. Worthing-
ton and Joshua C. Higgins, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners, to lay out, open, and
change and amend, at the expence of the petitioners, a road from the uppermost gate of Richard Hig-
gin's farm, on the head of South river, to a farm known by the name of The Green Spring Quarter,
in the best direction, taking into consideration the convenience of the public, and the interest of the
individuals over whose land the said road may pass; and the said road, when so opened and amend-
ed at the expence of the petitioners, shall be deemed a public road, and shall be kept in repair in
the same manner as other public roads are directed to be repaired in said county.
Who shall as-
certain da-
mages, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners aforesaid, or a majority of them, shall as
certain and value what damages may be sustained by any person or persons over whose land the said
road may pass, by opening the same, taking into consideration the advantages and disadvantages
arising therefrom, and the valuation shall be made, and payment secured, before the said commis
sioners, or a majority of them, shall proceed to open the said road; provided, that if any person or
persons over whose lands the said road may pass, shall conceive himself, herself or themselves, ag-
grieved by such valuation of damages by the said commissioners, or a majority of them, it shall and
may be lawful for any justice of the peace of Anne-Arundel county, on application of the party in
terested, to issue his warrant under his hand and seal, directed to any constable of the county, com-
manding him to summon five freeholders, who do not hold lands over which the said road may pass.
to appear on a day by the said justice to be appointed, on the land of the person or persons making
application as aforesaid, and the said freeholders, having first made oath before a justice of the
peace of the county aforesaid, that they will, without favour, affection, partiality or prejudice, as
sess the damages sustained by the person or persons at whose request such inquisition shall be taken
by opening the said road through his, her or their lands, taking into consideration the advantage
and disadvantages, if any, and shall thereupon proceed to value and assess the damages accordingly
and such inquisition and valuation shall be final, and the person or persons in whose favour the va-
luation shall be made as aforesaid, shall be entitled to receive the same from the petitioners, before
the said commissioners, or a majority of them, may open and amend the said road through such
person or persons land; and provided the said road shall not pass through any house, yard, garden
orchard or meadow, unless with the consent of the owner or owners thereof.
Passed 3d of
Jan. 1807.
An ACT to authorise and empower the commissioners of the city
of Baltimore to alter and extend the streets therein mentioned.
WHEREAS Daniel Bowley, of the county of Baltimore, hath represented to this general assem-
bly, that he, and a certain Thomas Yates, were heretofore seized and possessed of all the
lots of ground which bind on, and are entitled to the privileges and extension into, the water, in
that part of the city of Baltimore called Philpot's Addition, except lot number four hundred and
forty-one; that when the said addition was surveyed and laid out into lots and streets, the streets
thereof were not made to run parallel with the streets in the eastern and western parts of the said ci-
ty, but were opened and located in a different direction; that the port wardens of the said city hav
heretofore granted to the said Daniel Bowley and Thomas Yates a licence to improve and extend the
said water lots into the navigable water; that in pursuance of such permission they had wharfed in,
and converted into firm ground, part of the laud covered with tide water, adjoining the said water lots,